Jerome Lazare
A founding partner, has spent more than 17 years in the financial markets industry. After starting his career with Societe Generale – Option Group in Paris (1991) and Goldman Sachs in London, he moved to JPMorgan (Equity Derivatives Group) in 1995...
A founding partner, has spent more than 17 years in the financial
markets industry. After starting his career with Societe Generale – Option Group in Paris
(1991) and Goldman Sachs in London, he moved to JPMorgan (Equity Derivatives Group) in 1995
and was made Managing Director (2002) with responsibility for part of Europe and the internal
Private Bank. He resigned from JPMorgan in 2004 to join the Bavarian bank HVB as head of
structured derivatives in Western Europe and member of the London Management board. He
founded ResFamiliaris with Philippe Rouault in 2008. Jerome has a MA in Economics from
Sciences-Po Paris and a MSc in Wealth Management from ESCP Europe

Philippe Rouault
The second founding partner, also comes from a financial markets
background. He spent most of his career with JPMorgan, where he started in 1991 as a trader
in FX and interest rates derivatives before joining the Futures & Options Group...
The second founding partner, also comes from a financial markets
background. He spent most of his career with JPMorgan, where he started in 1991 as a trader
in FX and interest rates derivatives before joining the Futures & Options Group and later
the Equity Derivatives Group. He left JPMorgan for HVB in 2004 to take on responsibility
for structured derivatives in Western Europe together with Jerome Lazare. He decided
to start up ResFamiliaris in 2008 to bring his market and investment banking experience
to wealthy clients and their families. Philippe has a MSc in Finance from the London
Business School and a MSc in Wealth Management from ESCP Europe

Eleonore de Rochechouart
Partner, has spent more than 18 years in
the financial markets industry. After starting her career at a hedge fund advisory
company doing fund research and funds of hedge funds allocation,...
Partner, has spent more than 20 years in the financial
markets industry. After starting her career at a hedge
fund advisory company focusing on fund research and
fund of hedge funds allocation, she moved to S&P to
lead the continental European team of fund research
and ratings analysts. In 2003, she joined a multi
family office in Paris to take charge of macroeconomic
research, financial asset allocation, investments’
selection, due diligence and ongoing monitoring of
portfolios. She joined ResFamiliaris in 2010 and over
the recent years, has also been acting as a consultant
to active entrepreneurs, developing a strong expertise
in business structuring and management. She has a
Master in Economics from Paris X University